Akashic Reading

the central repository of every thought, word, and deed

What It Is

The Akashic records are the central repository of every thought, word, and deed of every living being. It is a compendium of knowledge of all life forms across all time and space. This is not a place of judgment. It is simply a record of all that is.

Akashic readings are great to discover your purpose, heal and clear trauma, clear old patterns, and view past lives.

I access your personal Akashic records to help you gain the clarity you seek.

Who is it for

Akashic readings are best for those who want to know their life’s purpose or clear old patterns. It can also help give you clarity on life decisions like moving to a different country or taking a new job as well.

We start by going over three life areas you want to know about. I will also clear and reset anything that is necessary as I read the records. All this is done under the angelic guidance and the guidance of your higher self.

Session Notes

I ask that you become clear on three life areas you want to know about. You can share this with me just before the reading.

A lot of light codes come through during my Akashic readings. Please try to have an easy day after the reading. This is optimal for integration.